CT14 7 Postcodes, Map, Properties And Census Information

Facts Checked By Data Team - Written By Simon Rose - Reviewed By Jonathan Benton

CT14 7 is a postcode sector in Dover, UK. Below is a complete list of CT14 7 Postcodes (Active). CT14 7 postcode sector comprises of 288 active postcodes. CT14 7 sector has a population of 9380, and it has 4396 properties in the region.

Browse Information On CT14 7 postcode sector

CT14 7 Postcode and Census - Statistical Overview

Population 9380
Addresses / Property Count 4396
Active Postcodes 288
Nearby Postcode Districts 21
Nearby Postcode Sectors 5

View Map Of CT14 7 Postcode Sector

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showing 0-50 of 288 postcodes
Postcode Latitude Longitude Households Population Easting Northing
CT14 7AA 51.22263700 1.40259900 11 25 637688 152551
CT14 7AD 51.22242000 1.40295500 N/A N/A 637714 152528
CT14 7AE 51.22281800 1.40288400 N/A N/A 637707 152572
CT14 7AF 51.22286500 1.40311700 N/A N/A 637723 152578
CT14 7AG 51.22266400 1.40381800 13 40 637773 152558
CT14 7AH 51.22252000 1.40413700 7 11 637796 152543
CT14 7AJ 51.22212100 1.39961000 10 15 637482 152484
CT14 7AL 51.22198700 1.40111800 49 94 637588 152474
CT14 7AN 51.22266400 1.40323100 3 4 637732 152556
CT14 7AP 51.22203500 1.40289800 7 15 637712 152485
CT14 7AQ 51.22243700 1.40391600 2 3 637781 152533
CT14 7AR 51.19770500 1.38856300 7 19 636836 149734
CT14 7AS 51.22145600 1.40238300 18 38 637679 152419
CT14 7AW 51.22213000 1.40333500 6 9 637742 152497
CT14 7AX 51.21223100 1.39943900 26 60 637521 151384
CT14 7AY 51.22024400 1.40229300 28 47 637679 152284
CT14 7AZ 51.21715400 1.40183600 32 56 637663 151939
CT14 7BA 51.21954700 1.40245700 4 4 637694 152207
CT14 7BB 51.22003400 1.40333800 17 32 637753 152264
CT14 7BD 51.22016500 1.40407800 49 74 637804 152281
CT14 7BE 51.22066500 1.40421500 26 34 637811 152337
CT14 7BG 51.22055900 1.40352000 24 62 637763 152323
CT14 7BH 51.22066000 1.40284000 16 28 637715 152332
CT14 7BJ 51.22112500 1.40291700 N/A N/A 637718 152384
CT14 7BL 51.21341500 1.39740700 5 13 637373 151509
CT14 7BN 51.22155800 1.40289200 6 13 637714 152432
CT14 7BP 51.22193400 1.40420800 N/A N/A 637804 152478
CT14 7BQ 51.22028100 1.40286900 6 15 637719 152290
CT14 7BS 51.22153700 1.40423600 24 39 637808 152434
CT14 7BT 51.22143600 1.40368500 13 33 637770 152421
CT14 7BU 51.22107500 1.40433100 15 24 637817 152383
CT14 7BW 51.22167500 1.40380300 26 59 637777 152448
CT14 7BX 51.22100800 1.40356700 34 80 637764 152373
CT14 7BY 51.22087100 1.40145100 24 44 637617 152351
CT14 7BZ 51.22106200 1.40077800 16 33 637569 152370
CT14 7DA 51.22064300 1.40064700 10 30 637562 152323
CT14 7DB 51.22105400 1.40011800 23 68 637523 152367
CT14 7DD 51.22008800 1.40023300 38 87 637536 152260
CT14 7DE 51.21962800 1.39997000 7 23 637520 152208
CT14 7DF 51.22004500 1.40109000 12 20 637596 152258
CT14 7DG 51.22036300 1.40191500 2 4 637652 152296
CT14 7DH 51.21912800 1.39921700 4 13 637470 152150
CT14 7DJ 51.21946900 1.40111900 46 128 637601 152194
CT14 7DL 51.21823600 1.40236000 9 16 637694 152061
CT14 7DN 51.21761900 1.40317400 44 88 637754 151995
CT14 7DP 51.21597500 1.40248000 10 16 637714 151810
CT14 7DQ 51.21939300 1.39940900 9 24 637482 152180
CT14 7DR 51.21188400 1.40084600 12 30 637621 151350
CT14 7DS 51.21540400 1.40200800 1 3 637684 151745
CT14 7DT 51.21602100 1.40183900 20 35 637669 151813
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